RHAC Certification

Are you in need of an RHF Accessibility assessment to evaluate your build? Look no further. As a Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certified Professional, I offer a comprehensive service that can assist you and your team in assessing your space. Whether it’s a new construction or a renovation, my services can provide you with:

  • From the planning stages of your build or renovation, I am committed to working closely with you and your team. Together, we can ensure your project is beautifully inclusive. My thoughtful eye and recommendations will help you identify and seize prime opportunities to build in accessibility before your project is rated. Your input and vision are crucial to this process.
  • Need advice or guidance on accessibility at any pre-construction stage of your project? I’m here to help. As a Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certified Professional, I can provide the necessary insights to ensure your build meets the required standards.
  • Completing a comprehensive review of your drawings for pre-construction assessment and guidance for possible or recommended improvements before being rated.
  • Completing on-site visits (and an official snapshot in time) of an existing site for an RHF Accessibility Rating.
  • Once I have Completed my assessment of your site, you will be well-positioned to obtain certification. This not only demonstrates your commitment to accessibility but also opens up opportunities for you to promote your project. You can proudly share your achievement with others, showcasing your dedication to inclusivity and social responsibility.

If you want to learn more about having your site certified, please get in touch with me. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.