Difficult but incredibly important topic ahead – this is a warning for those who may be uncomfortable reading about people with disabilities being murdered by their caregivers and family, this post is not super graphic but it is important to acknowledge.
Did you know that today, March 1st, is the Disability Day of Mourning?
This day is to remember people with disabilities who have been murdered by their families (filicide) or their caregivers through abuse or neglect.
Currently what we know is that there are over 1,800 people listed, and of course there are likely more who are unaccounted for.
This is a heavy topic for sure, but one that is incredibly important to be acknowledged. Today I will take a few moments to pause in my day and mourn those who were not protected by our broken systems, and by the families that should have been loving and protecting them.
I ask every person who can, please educate yourself on this terribly traumatic history of murder of people with disabilities.
If you see something that looks like a person is being harmed or abused by their caregiver, PLEASE find an appropriate person who can check on the person.
Signs of trauma and abuse can include (but are definitely NOT limited) to things like cuts, bruises, swelling, burns, fractures, strains, dislocations, signs of fear, flinching, bite marks, dental injuries, eye or ear injuries, suicide attempts, self-harm, pain or trauma to the buttocks, lower abdomen, thighs, genitalia, torn/dirty/bloody bed sheets, etc.
It is estimated that 30% of people with disabilities who need daily assistance are subjected to mistreatment, neglect, and abuse, and that is unacceptable.
There are some great sites you can look to for more information – Here are a few to get you started.
https://disability-memorial.org/ Disability Day of Mourning
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability_Day_of_Mourning Wikipedia Entry
https://autisticadvocacy.org/mourning/ Autistic Self Advocacy Network
https://www.accessibility.com/blog/disability-day-of-mourning Accessibility.com
Thank you for reading, sharing, and caring.