Diagnosis: How do I get a diagnosis for myself or my child? Neurological conditions can be quite tricky to diagnose, especially things like Tourette because there is no way to positively identify it by taking a blood test, or a…
Author: beautifullyadmin (page 4)
Day 3: Tourette Awareness 2020
Your child has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome (Or you suspect they may have Tourette or some other tic disorder , now what? One of the most common errors…
Day 2: Tourette Awareness 2020
Yesterday I spoke about the terrible misinformation that people with TS will “outgrow” it, and where that misinformation seems to stem from. Today I want to talk about why it matters! Imagine you have a child who starts to have…
Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month 2020.
It’s TS Awareness month! This is the month where you should not feel shy to ask me about Tourette Syndrome, whether it is me specific, TS in general, or about the comorbidities that go with it (other conditions that go…