In one word, yes. Tourette Syndrome is not something you can pretend does not exist. For most of us, it is quite difficult to hide, which means our loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc. also experience our TS, though one step…
Tag: #TS
Do you suppress your tics?
Great question, and I have talked about this in some of my other posts, but it is a common question, so it never hurts to refresh this! Personally, I choose to try and not suppress my tics. Suppressing tics is…
What to do when a medical professional does not fully understand TS?
Those of us with TS know that often the medical community knows extraordinarily little about Tourette Syndrome unless it is their specialty. Misinformation floats around the medical community, which is brutal because everyone believes doctors/therapists/healers, right? So, let’s say you…
Day 16: Tourette Awareness 2020
The amusing side of Tourette Syndrome We have talked a little bit about when it is ok and when it is not ok to joke about TS. We have talked about serious challenges and what it is like to live…
Day 15: Tourette Awareness 2020
Bullying A friend posted on Instagram about being bullied by a fully gown, 50-something-year old woman yesterday. She disagreed with something he said and reacted by making fun of him and his Tourette Syndrome. Immediately he turned that into a…
Day 14: Tourette Awareness 2020
Let’s talk about Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD (sometimes known as sensory integration dysfunction) is a neurological disorder that mixes up sensory signals and sends all kinds of abnormal responses to our nervous system. We do get the sensory information but…
Day 13: Tourette Awareness 2020
Intrusive thoughts. What is an intrusive thought? Well, psychologists/psychiatrists will say “it is an unwelcome involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate.” I would…
Day 12: Tourette Awareness 2020
Today I will share a small story that relates to my post about seeking a diagnosis for educational support and why it is important. Not an easy story for me to tell, but if I am going to advocate, I…
Day 11: Tourette Awareness 2020
Some questions people have asked about MY experience with TS and the answers today! Q: What is the worst part of Tourette’s for you now as an adult? A: I would say the worst is the physical pain due to…
Day 10: Tourette Awareness 2020
Education and Learning disorders, challenges, and glitches. If you are an adult with TS and taking any courses or programs, or a parent of a child with TS this post could be of interest to you. My first recommendation is…